Monday, May 18, 2015

Economic growth and productivity

Sustained increase in Real GDP over time
Sustained increase in Real GDP per Capita over time
Growth leads to greater prosperity for society.
Lessens the burden of scarcity.
Increases the general level of well-being.
Conditions for growth 
Rule of Law
Sound Legal and Economic Institutions
Economic Freedom
Respect for Private Property
Political & Economic Stability
Low Inflationary Expectations
Willingness to sacrifice current consumption in order to grow
Physical Capital

Tools, machinery, factories, infrastructure
Physical Capital is the product of Investment.
Investment is sensitive to interest rates and expected rates of return.
It takes capital to make capital.
Capital must be maintained.
Technology and productivity 
Research and development, innovation and invention yield increases in available technology.
More technology in the hands of workers increases productivity.
Productivity is output per worker.
More Productivity = Economic Growth.
Human Capital
People are a country’s most important resource. Therefore human capital must be developed.
Economic Freedom
The right to acquire private property
Clean Water
Stable Food Supply
Access to technology


  1. Your notes could be differentiated to increase understanding, but it is not completely necessary for this chapter. You could use different colors to make it easier to look at though. Also, you can add visuals if it is helpful.

  2. These notes are missing some information such as, exchange rate, trade barrier, absolute advantage, and comparative advantage.
